News interview format

Here is a general format for a news interview:


Opening Questions

Example: "Good morning, I'm [Interviewer's Name] and welcome to [News Program]. Today, we have [Guest's Name] joining us to talk about [Topic]. Thank you for being here, [Guest's Name]. Can you start by telling us a little bit about yourself and what brings you here today?"

In-Depth Questions

Example: "That's interesting. Can you elaborate on that point? How do you think [related issue] will impact [specific group or industry]?"

Follow-Up Questions

Example: "I see. So, you're saying that [specific policy or action] is the main reason for [specific outcome]. Can you give us an example of how that has played out in practice?"

Challenging Questions

Example: "I understand that you're a strong supporter of [specific policy or action], but some critics have argued that it will have unintended consequences. How do you respond to those concerns?"

Closing Questions

Example: "Well, [Guest's Name], thank you for sharing your insights with us today. Before we go, can you summarize your main points and tell our viewers what they can expect to see in the future?"


Example: "Well, that's all the time we have for today. Thank you again to [Guest's Name] for joining us. We hope you found this interview informative and thought-provoking. Join us next time on [News Program] for more in-depth reporting and analysis."