News in shorts careers

Here are some news in shorts related to careers:

1. Remote Work on the Rise: A recent survey by Gallup found that 43% of employed adults in the US are working remotely at least some of the time, up from 31% in 2015. (Source: Gallup)

2. AI to Displace Jobs: A report by the McKinsey Global Institute predicts that up to 800 million jobs could be lost worldwide due to automation by 2030, but also estimates that 140 million new jobs could be created. (Source: McKinsey)

3. Skills Gap Widening: A survey by the World Economic Forum found that 54% of employees lack the skills needed to perform their current job, and 42% lack the skills needed to perform a job that is not yet created. (Source: World Economic Forum)

4. Freelancing on the Rise: A report by Upwork found that 63% of companies are using freelancers, and 73% of freelancers say they are more productive when working remotely. (Source: Upwork)

5. Mental Health in the Workplace: A survey by the American Psychological Association found that 61% of employees experience stress at work, and 44% say they are more likely to experience burnout. (Source: American Psychological Association)

6. Diversity and Inclusion: A report by McKinsey found that companies with diverse teams are 25% more likely to outperform their peers, and 71% of employees say they are more likely to stay with a company that values diversity and inclusion. (Source: McKinsey)

7. Online Learning: A report by Coursera found that 77% of employees say they are more likely to take online courses to improve their skills, and 63% say they are more likely to take online courses to switch careers. (Source: Coursera)

8. Job Satisfaction: A survey by Gallup found that 51% of employees are engaged at work, and 32% are actively disengaged. (Source: Gallup)

9. Career Development: A report by LinkedIn found that 94% of employees say they want to learn new skills, and 75% say they want to switch careers. (Source: LinkedIn)

10. Automation and Job Creation: A report by the International Labour Organization found that while automation may displace some jobs, it also has the potential to create new ones, such as in fields like data science and artificial intelligence. (Source: International Labour Organization)

These are just a few of the latest news and trends in the world of careers. I hope you find them helpful!