News in dictionary

Here are some common news-related words and phrases that you might find in a dictionary:


  1. News: information about recent events or developments
  2. Report: a detailed account of a situation or event
  3. Story: a piece of writing that tells a sequence of events
  4. Article: a written piece on a particular topic or subject
  5. Broadcast: a transmission of information or entertainment through radio, television, or internet
  6. Journalist: a person who gathers and reports news
  7. Editor: a person who reviews and revises written content
  8. Headline: a title or caption that summarizes the main point of a news story
  9. Press release: a statement issued by an organization or individual to share information with the public
  10. Scoop: exclusive information or a surprising revelation


  1. Report: to give an account of a situation or event
  2. Cover: to provide information or coverage about a particular topic or event
  3. Break: to reveal or announce news
  4. Publish: to make written content available to the public
  5. Broadcast: to transmit information or entertainment through radio, television, or internet
  6. Investigate: to gather information or evidence about a particular topic or event
  7. Analyze: to examine and interpret information or data
  8. Write: to create written content, such as a news article or report


  1. Breaking: happening or being revealed suddenly or unexpectedly
  2. Exclusive: limited to a particular group or individual
  3. Sensational: shocking or surprising
  4. Timely: relevant or important at a particular time
  5. In-depth: providing detailed or thorough information
  6. Investigative: involving research or investigation
  7. Objective: unbiased or impartial
  8. Accurate: precise or correct


  1. "Breaking news": information that is new and unexpected
  2. "In the news": currently being reported or discussed
  3. "Newsflash": a sudden or unexpected announcement
  4. "Stay tuned": to continue watching or listening for further information
  5. "The latest news": the most recent or up-to-date information
  6. "News of the day": information about current events or developments
  7. "News analysis": an examination or interpretation of news information
  8. "News coverage": the reporting or broadcasting of news events