News illustration

Here are some examples of news illustrations:

  1. Infographics: Visual representations of data, statistics, or information, often used to explain complex topics or trends.

Example: A graphic illustrating the impact of climate change on global sea levels.

  1. Cartoons: Humorous or satirical drawings that comment on current events or news stories.

Example: A cartoon depicting a politician with a speech bubble saying "I'm not corrupt, I'm just... enthusiastic about public service!"

  1. Illustrations: Drawings or paintings that accompany news articles or editorials, often used to add visual interest or illustrate a point.

Example: An illustration of a cityscape with a caption "The impact of gentrification on urban communities."

  1. Infopics: Visualizations of data or information that are designed to be easily shared on social media.

Example: A graphic illustrating the top 10 most polluted cities in the world, with a caption "The air we breathe: a global crisis."

  1. Data visualizations: Interactive or static visualizations of data, often used to explore complex topics or trends.

Example: An interactive map showing the spread of a disease, with data on cases, deaths, and vaccination rates.

  1. Comic strips: Serialized illustrations that tell a story or comment on current events, often used in newspapers or online publications.

Example: A comic strip depicting a character's journey through a refugee camp, highlighting the challenges faced by displaced people.

  1. Illustrated news articles: Articles that include illustrations or graphics to help explain complex topics or make the content more engaging.

Example: An article on the science of climate change, with illustrations of the Earth's atmosphere and the effects of greenhouse gases.

These are just a few examples of the many types of news illustrations that exist. The goal of news illustration is to make complex information more accessible, engaging, and memorable for readers.