News flash meme

BREAKING: [insert ridiculous news here]

[Image of a breaking news graphic with a serious-looking anchor]

Anchor: "We interrupt your regular programming to bring you this shocking development: [insert ridiculous news here]! Yes, you heard that right, folks. [Insert ridiculous news here] has just happened, and we're not sure what to make of it.

[Cut to a graphic with the words "BREAKING NEWS" in bold letters]

Anchor: "We're going to go live to our correspondent in the field, who's been following this story all day. Bob, what can you tell us?"

Correspondent: "Thanks, Bob. I'm here in [insert location], where [insert ridiculous news here] has just occurred. I've spoken to eyewitnesses who say it was [insert ridiculous news here]. We're still trying to get to the bottom of this, but it's clear that [insert ridiculous news here] has left the community in shock.

[Cut back to the anchor]

Anchor: "We'll continue to follow this story and bring you updates as more information becomes available. In the meantime, we want to hear from you. Share your thoughts on this developing story in the comments below.

[Cut to a graphic with the words "BREAKING NEWS" in bold letters]

Anchor: "And that's the way it is. We'll be back after this break. Stay tuned for more news and updates."