News flash meaning

A "news flash" is a sudden and unexpected announcement or report of a significant event or development, often broadcast or published in a hurry to get the information out quickly to the public. The term is often used in journalism and broadcasting to indicate a breaking news story that requires immediate attention and coverage.

The phrase "news flash" is typically used to signal that a major story is unfolding and that the audience should pay attention. It's often accompanied by a sense of urgency and importance, and may be used to interrupt regular programming or scheduled news broadcasts to bring viewers up to speed on the latest developments.

In the past, news flashes were often used to convey important information, such as:

Today, the term "news flash" is often used more broadly to refer to any sudden and unexpected news story that requires immediate attention and coverage. It may be used in a variety of contexts, including:

Overall, a "news flash" is a way to signal to the public that something important and unexpected is happening, and that they should pay attention to get the latest information.