News feature definition

A news feature is a type of news article that provides in-depth coverage of a particular topic, event, or issue. It is typically longer and more detailed than a traditional news article, and may include interviews, analysis, and background information to provide context and depth.

News features often focus on a specific aspect of a story, such as the human impact of a natural disaster, the politics behind a major policy decision, or the cultural significance of a new trend. They may also explore the causes and consequences of a particular issue, or provide a unique perspective on a current event.

Some common characteristics of news features include:

  1. In-depth reporting: News features typically involve extensive research and reporting to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  2. Analysis and interpretation: News features often include analysis and interpretation of the information gathered, to help readers understand the significance and implications of the story.
  3. Human interest: News features often focus on the human impact of a story, and may include interviews with individuals affected by the issue.
  4. Context: News features provide context and background information to help readers understand the story, including historical context, relevant statistics, and expert opinions.
  5. Narrative style: News features often use a narrative style to tell the story, with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and may include descriptive language and vivid details to bring the story to life.

Examples of news features include:

Overall, news features provide a more in-depth and nuanced understanding of a particular topic or issue, and can help readers stay informed and engaged with the world around them.