News determinants and news values

News Determinants

News determinants refer to the factors that influence the selection and presentation of news stories in the media. These factors can be categorized into three main types:

  1. Internal Determinants: These are factors that are controlled by the news organization itself, such as:
    • Newsroom culture and values
    • Editorial policies and guidelines
    • Budget and resource constraints
    • Staff expertise and experience
  2. External Determinants: These are factors that are outside the control of the news organization, such as:
    • Public opinion and demand for certain types of news
    • Political and social trends
    • Economic conditions and market forces
    • Technological advancements and changes in the media landscape
  3. Situational Determinants: These are factors that are specific to a particular news event or situation, such as:
    • The severity and impact of the event
    • The level of public interest and concern
    • The availability of information and sources
    • The competition for news coverage from other media outlets

News Values

News values refer to the criteria that journalists and editors use to evaluate the newsworthiness of a story. These values can be categorized into several key areas:

  1. Impact: The potential impact of the event or issue on the audience.
  2. Proximity: The relevance and proximity of the event or issue to the audience.
  3. Prominence: The status and reputation of the individuals or organizations involved.
  4. Human interest: The emotional appeal and personal connection to the story.
  5. Timeliness: The relevance and urgency of the story in the current news cycle.
  6. Conflict: The presence of conflict, controversy, or drama in the story.
  7. Novelty: The uniqueness and unexpectedness of the story.
  8. Relevance: The connection to the audience's interests and concerns.

These news values are not mutually exclusive, and journalists often use a combination of factors to evaluate the newsworthiness of a story. The selection and presentation of news stories are influenced by these values, which can shape the way the public is informed and the way they perceive the world around them.