News definition pdf

Here is a definition of news and a brief overview of what news is, along with some additional information:

Definition of News:

News is information about current events, trends, and issues that is reported and disseminated to the public through various media channels, such as newspapers, television, radio, and online platforms. News can be local, national, or international in scope and can cover a wide range of topics, including politics, business, sports, entertainment, and more.

Characteristics of News:

  1. Timeliness: News is typically reported and disseminated in a timely manner, often within hours or days of the event occurring.
  2. Relevance: News is relevant to the audience, providing information that is of interest or importance to them.
  3. Objectivity: News is typically reported in an objective and unbiased manner, presenting facts and information without taking a particular stance or perspective.
  4. Accuracy: News is accurate and reliable, with a focus on providing factual information rather than opinion or speculation.

Types of News:

  1. Breaking News: News that is reported and disseminated in real-time, often in response to a sudden or unexpected event.
  2. Feature News: In-depth reporting on a particular topic or issue, often including interviews, analysis, and commentary.
  3. Human Interest News: News that focuses on the personal stories and experiences of individuals, often with a focus on human interest or emotional appeal.
  4. Investigative News: In-depth reporting on a particular issue or topic, often involving research, investigation, and analysis.

Importance of News:

  1. Informed Citizens: News helps citizens stay informed about current events and issues, enabling them to make informed decisions and participate in the democratic process.
  2. Accountability: News holds those in power accountable for their actions, promoting transparency and accountability.
  3. Social Change: News can inspire social change by raising awareness about important issues and promoting activism and advocacy.

Sources of News:

  1. Print Media: Newspapers, magazines, and other print publications.
  2. Electronic Media: Television, radio, and online news platforms.
  3. Social Media: Social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, which often feature news and current events.
  4. Online News Sites: Websites and online platforms that specialize in news reporting and dissemination.

Additional Resources: