News blog layout

A news blog layout typically includes the following elements:

  1. Header: This is the top section of the page that includes the blog's logo, navigation menu, and sometimes a search bar.
  2. Hero Section: This is a prominent section that appears above the fold, often featuring a large image, video, or headline that grabs the reader's attention.
  3. Main Content Area: This is the main section of the page where the news articles are displayed. It typically includes:
    • Article Headlines: A list of article headlines with links to the full article.
    • Article Summaries: A brief summary of each article to entice readers to click and read more.
    • Article Images: Images accompanying each article to break up the text and make the content more engaging.
  4. Sidebar: A column on the right or left side of the page that contains additional content, such as:
    • Categories: A list of categories or topics that the blog covers.
    • Tags: A list of keywords or tags related to the articles.
    • Recent Posts: A list of recent articles published on the blog.
    • Archives: A list of older articles or archives.
  5. Footer: The bottom section of the page that includes:
    • Contact Information: Contact details such as email address, phone number, and physical address.
    • Social Media Links: Links to the blog's social media profiles.
    • Copyright Information: Copyright information and a link to the blog's terms of use.
    • Search Bar: A search bar that allows readers to search the blog's content.

Here's an example of what a news blog layout might look like:


Hero Section

Main Content Area



This is just one example of a news blog layout, and there are many variations and customizations that can be made to suit the specific needs and style of the blog.