News announcement


HEADLINE: Historic Discovery Made in Ancient City

DATE: March 15, 2023

LOCATION: Petra, Jordan

A team of archaeologists has made a groundbreaking discovery in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan. After years of excavation, the team has uncovered a previously unknown temple dedicated to the ancient Nabataean god, Dushara.

The temple, estimated to be over 2,000 years old, is believed to be one of the most significant archaeological finds in the region in decades. The discovery is expected to shed new light on the history and culture of the Nabataeans, who were known for their advanced trade networks and impressive architectural achievements.

The temple is remarkably well-preserved, with intricate carvings and frescoes still intact. The team has also discovered a series of ancient artifacts, including coins, pottery, and jewelry, which are expected to provide valuable insights into the daily lives of the Nabataeans.

"This is a momentous day for archaeology and for Jordan," said Dr. Sarah Johnson, lead archaeologist on the project. "The discovery of this temple is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region and the importance of preserving our ancient history."

The discovery is expected to attract tourists and scholars from around the world, and will likely lead to further excavations and research in the region.

PHOTO CAPTION: A team of archaeologists stands in front of the newly discovered temple in Petra, Jordan. (Credit: Jordanian Department of Antiquities)

VIDEO CAPTION: Watch a video of the excavation site and hear from Dr. Sarah Johnson about the significance of the discovery. (Credit: Jordanian Department of Antiquities)

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