News alert indicator mt4

A "News Alert Indicator" for MetaTrader 4 (MT4)!

A News Alert Indicator is a custom indicator that can be used to alert traders when a specific news event or economic indicator is released. This can be useful for traders who want to react quickly to market-moving news events.

Here's a basic outline of how to create a News Alert Indicator in MT4:


Step 1: Create a new indicator

In the MT4 platform, go to "File" > "New" > "Indicator" and choose "MQL4" as the programming language. Name your indicator (e.g., "News Alert").

Step 2: Define the news feed API

In the indicator code, you'll need to define the news feed API you'll be using. This will involve setting up the API connection, parsing the news data, and storing it in a format that can be used by the indicator.

For example, if you're using Quandl's API, you might use the following code:

// Define the Quandl API connection
string apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
string apiEndpoint = "";

// Parse the news data
void OnTick()
    // Get the latest news data from Quandl
    string newsData = GetNewsData(apiEndpoint, apiKey);

    // Parse the news data into a format that can be used by the indicator

Step 3: Define the news event criteria

In the indicator code, you'll need to define the criteria for what constitutes a "news event". This might include things like:

For example, you might define a news event as follows:

// Define the news event criteria
bool IsNewsEvent(string newsData)
    // Check if the news data contains a specific keyword (e.g., "GDP")
    if (StrContains(newsData, "GDP") > 0)
        return true;
    return false;

Step 4: Create the alert logic

In the indicator code, you'll need to create the logic for generating an alert when a news event is detected. This might involve sending a notification to your phone or email, or triggering a trade signal.

For example, you might use the following code to send a notification to your phone:

// Create the alert logic
void OnTick()
    // Get the latest news data from Quandl
    string newsData = GetNewsData(apiEndpoint, apiKey);

    // Check if the news data contains a news event
    if (IsNewsEvent(newsData))
        // Send a notification to your phone
        SendNotification("News Alert: GDP growth rate released!");

Step 5: Compile and test the indicator

Once you've written the code for your News Alert Indicator, you'll need to compile it and test it in the MT4 platform. This will involve loading the indicator into MT4, setting up the news feed API connection, and testing the indicator to ensure it's working correctly.