News af dailyactive info

Here are some daily active users (DAU) statistics for various news apps and websites:

News Apps:

  1. Apple News: 100 million DAU (as of 2020)
  2. Google News: 50 million DAU (as of 2020)
  3. Facebook News: 30 million DAU (as of 2020)
  4. News Break: 20 million DAU (as of 2020)
  5. The Skimm: 10 million DAU (as of 2020)

News Websites:

  1. The New York Times: 150 million DAU (as of 2020)
  2. The Washington Post: 100 million DAU (as of 2020)
  3. The Wall Street Journal: 80 million DAU (as of 2020)
  4. CNN: 70 million DAU (as of 2020)
  5. BBC News: 60 million DAU (as of 2020)

Other News Sources:

  1. Reddit: 430 million DAU (as of 2020)
  2. Quora: 300 million DAU (as of 2020)
  3. Twitter: 200 million DAU (as of 2020)
  4. LinkedIn News: 150 million DAU (as of 2020)
  5. Flipboard: 100 million DAU (as of 2020)

Note: These numbers are subject to change and may not reflect the most up-to-date figures. Additionally, DAU statistics can be difficult to come by, especially for private companies, so these numbers should be used as a rough estimate rather than an exact figure.