News about ynw melly

YNW Melly is an American rapper and songwriter from Florida, known for his unique style and controversial lyrics. Here are some recent news updates about YNW Melly:

Recent Arrest and Charges

In February 2020, YNW Melly was arrested and charged with two counts of first-degree murder, as well as other charges related to the shooting deaths of two of his friends, Anthony Williams and Christopher Thomas Jr. The incident occurred in October 2018, and Melly has been in custody since his arrest.

Murder Charges

Melly's lawyers have argued that the evidence against him is circumstantial and that he was not present at the scene of the crime. However, prosecutors claim that Melly orchestrated the murders and that his friends were killed in a botched robbery attempt.

Investigation and Evidence

The investigation into the murders has been ongoing for over two years, and authorities have collected a significant amount of evidence, including surveillance footage, DNA samples, and eyewitness testimony. In January 2020, prosecutors released a statement saying that they had found a key piece of evidence that linked Melly to the crime scene.

Public Reaction

The news of Melly's arrest and charges has sparked a lot of controversy and debate on social media. Some fans have rallied around Melly, claiming that he is innocent and that the charges against him are unfair. Others have criticized Melly's lyrics and behavior, saying that he has glorified violence and crime in his music.

Music Career

Despite his legal troubles, Melly has continued to release music, including his debut album "We All Shine" in 2019. The album was a commercial success, and Melly has collaborated with other artists, including Kanye West and Lil Durk.

Prison Sentence

In March 2020, Melly was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The sentence was handed down after a jury found him guilty of the murders of Williams and Thomas Jr.


Melly's legal team has filed an appeal, arguing that the trial was unfair and that there was insufficient evidence to convict him. The appeal is ongoing, and it is unclear when a decision will be made.

Overall, YNW Melly's case has been a highly publicized and controversial one, with many people following the developments closely.