News about the asuu strike

The ASUU strike! Here are some recent news updates:

Latest Update (March 2023): The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has suspended its eight-month-old strike, allowing students to return to campus. The union reached a tentative agreement with the Federal Government on February 28, 2023, after a series of negotiations.

Background: The strike began on February 14, 2022, when ASUU members embarked on a nationwide strike to protest the government's failure to implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which aimed to improve the funding and infrastructure of Nigerian universities. The strike was also sparked by the government's refusal to pay the union's members' salaries and allowances.

Key Demands: ASUU's main demands included:

  1. Implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement
  2. Payment of outstanding salaries and allowances
  3. Revitalization of universities through infrastructure development
  4. Improved funding for universities
  5. Establishment of a university autonomy bill

Government Response: The Federal Government had initially refused to meet ASUU's demands, leading to the strike. However, after several rounds of negotiations, the government agreed to implement some of the union's demands, including:

  1. Payment of outstanding salaries and allowances
  2. Revitalization of universities through infrastructure development
  3. Improved funding for universities

Impact: The strike had a significant impact on Nigerian universities, with many students forced to stay at home for over a year. The strike also affected the country's economy, as many students were unable to complete their studies and enter the workforce.

Next Steps: With the strike suspended, students are expected to return to campus, and academic activities are expected to resume. However, the union has warned that it will monitor the government's implementation of its demands and may resume the strike if the government fails to meet its commitments.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story!