News about nepa strike

You're referring to the ongoing strike by Nepalese workers in Qatar!

Here are some recent news updates about the Nepalese migrant workers' strike in Qatar:

Latest Developments:

  1. Strike Enters 4th Week: The strike by Nepalese migrant workers in Qatar has entered its 4th week, with thousands of workers continuing to protest against their poor working conditions, non-payment of wages, and lack of social security.
  2. Qatar Government Offers Concessions: The Qatari government has offered some concessions to the striking workers, including the payment of outstanding wages and the provision of better living conditions. However, the workers are demanding more significant changes to their working conditions and better protection.
  3. International Pressure Mounts: The international community, including human rights organizations and labor unions, has been putting pressure on Qatar to address the workers' concerns. The United Nations has also called on Qatar to ensure the rights of migrant workers are protected.
  4. Nepalese Government Intervenes: The Nepalese government has sent a team to Qatar to negotiate with the Qatari authorities and the striking workers. The government has also promised to provide assistance to the workers who are on strike.


The strike began on June 16, 2022, when thousands of Nepalese migrant workers in Qatar, who are employed in various sectors including construction, manufacturing, and healthcare, went on strike to demand better working conditions, higher wages, and improved social security.

The workers are demanding:

  1. Fair Wages: The workers are demanding higher wages, which they claim are not commensurate with their skills and qualifications.
  2. Improved Working Conditions: The workers are demanding better working conditions, including adequate housing, food, and healthcare facilities.
  3. Social Security: The workers are demanding better social security, including access to education and healthcare for their families.
  4. Protection from Abuse: The workers are demanding protection from abuse and exploitation by their employers.


The strike has had a significant impact on various sectors in Qatar, including construction, manufacturing, and healthcare. Many projects have been delayed or suspended, and some employers have been forced to lay off workers.

The strike has also highlighted the plight of migrant workers in Qatar, who are often subjected to exploitation and abuse. The international community has been calling on Qatar to address the workers' concerns and ensure their rights are protected.

I hope this information helps!