News about johesu strike

You're referring to the ongoing strike by the Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) in Nigeria!

Here are some recent updates:

Latest Developments:

  1. Extension of Strike: JOHESU has extended its strike by another 2 weeks, effective from January 21, 2023. This means that the strike will continue until February 4, 2023, unless a resolution is reached.
  2. Negotiations Stalled: Despite several rounds of negotiations, the union and the Federal Government have failed to reach a consensus on the demands. JOHESU is seeking improved working conditions, better salaries, and the implementation of the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
  3. Impact on Healthcare: The strike has led to a significant disruption in healthcare services across the country. Many hospitals are operating with reduced staff, and patients are facing difficulties in accessing medical care.
  4. Government's Response: The Federal Government has urged JOHESU to call off the strike, citing the need to prioritize the health and well-being of Nigerians. However, the union has refused to back down, citing the government's failure to address their demands.


JOHESU is a coalition of health workers' unions, including the Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN), the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM), and the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN), among others.

The strike was called in response to the government's failure to implement the 2017 MoU, which was signed to address the concerns of health workers. The union is seeking improved salaries, better working conditions, and the implementation of the MoU.

What's Next:

The strike is likely to continue until a resolution is reached. The government and JOHESU will need to engage in further negotiations to address the union's demands. In the meantime, patients and healthcare workers are bearing the brunt of the strike.

I hope this update helps!