New zealand us exchange rate

The New Zealand-US exchange rate can fluctuate constantly, so I'll provide you with the current rate and some historical context. Please note that exchange rates can change rapidly, so it's always a good idea to check the latest rates before making any transactions.

Current Exchange Rate:

As of [current date], the exchange rate is:

1 NZD (New Zealand Dollar) = approximately 0.64 USD (United States Dollar)

Historical Exchange Rate:

Here's a rough idea of the exchange rate over the past year:


The NZD/USD exchange rate has been relatively stable over the past year, with some fluctuations. The New Zealand dollar has generally been strong against the US dollar due to the country's strong economy, low unemployment, and high interest rates.

Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate:

Several factors can influence the NZD/USD exchange rate, including:

  1. Interest rates: Changes in interest rates in both countries can impact the exchange rate.
  2. Economic growth: Strong economic growth in New Zealand can lead to a stronger NZD, while weak growth can lead to a weaker NZD.
  3. Commodity prices: New Zealand is a significant exporter of commodities like dairy products, meat, and wood, so changes in commodity prices can affect the exchange rate.
  4. Global events: Geopolitical events, such as trade tensions or natural disasters, can impact the exchange rate.
  5. Central bank decisions: Decisions made by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) and the Federal Reserve (Fed) can influence the exchange rate.

Tips for Travelers:

If you're planning to travel to New Zealand or the United States, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Check the current exchange rate before your trip to get an idea of how much your money will be worth.
  2. Consider using a credit card or debit card that doesn't charge foreign transaction fees.
  3. Exchange some currency before your trip or use an ATM to withdraw local currency.
  4. Be aware of any exchange rate fees or commissions charged by your bank or financial institution.

Remember to always check the latest exchange rate before making any transactions, as it can change rapidly.