New zealand skilled migration calculator

The New Zealand Skilled Migration Calculator is an online tool that helps you determine your eligibility for a Skilled Migrant Category visa. Here's a breakdown of the calculator and the factors it considers:

What is the Skilled Migrant Category visa?

The Skilled Migrant Category visa is a points-based system that allows skilled workers to live and work in New Zealand permanently. The visa is designed to attract skilled workers who can contribute to New Zealand's economy and society.

How does the calculator work?

The calculator asks you a series of questions about your education, work experience, language skills, and other factors. Based on your answers, it assigns you points out of 160. The points are then used to determine your eligibility for a Skilled Migrant Category visa.

Factors considered by the calculator:

  1. Education: Your highest qualification, including the level and field of study.
  2. Work experience: Your relevant work experience, including the length of time, job title, and industry.
  3. Language skills: Your proficiency in English and/or other languages, including IELTS or TOEFL test scores.
  4. Age: Your age at the time of application.
  5. Job offer: Whether you have a job offer in New Zealand and the details of the job.
  6. Partner's qualifications: If you have a partner, their qualifications and work experience are also considered.
  7. Points for qualifications: You can earn points for specific qualifications, such as a bachelor's degree or higher.
  8. Points for work experience: You can earn points for relevant work experience, including the length of time and job title.
  9. Points for language skills: You can earn points for proficiency in English and/or other languages.
  10. Points for age: You can earn points for being under a certain age (usually 55).
  11. Points for job offer: You can earn points for having a job offer in New Zealand.
  12. Points for partner's qualifications: If you have a partner, they can earn points for their qualifications and work experience.

How to use the calculator:

  1. Go to the Immigration New Zealand website and click on the "Skilled Migrant Category" tab.
  2. Click on the "Check your eligibility" button.
  3. Answer the questions and provide the required information.
  4. The calculator will assign you points based on your answers.
  5. Check your points score and see if you meet the requirements for a Skilled Migrant Category visa.

Important notes: