New zealand skilled immigration

New Zealand's skilled immigration program is designed to attract highly skilled and qualified individuals to fill labor gaps in the country's economy. Here are the key aspects of New Zealand's skilled immigration program:

Types of Visas:

  1. Skilled Migrant Category (SMC): This is the most popular pathway for skilled immigrants. It's a points-based system, where applicants are assessed on their skills, qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, and other factors.
  2. Work to Residence Visa: This visa allows skilled workers to work in New Zealand for up to 30 months, after which they can apply for a resident visa.
  3. Resident Visa: This visa grants permanent residency in New Zealand, allowing holders to live and work in the country indefinitely.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Age: You must be under 56 years old (or 55 years old if you have a job offer).
  2. Education: You must have a recognized qualification that's relevant to your occupation.
  3. Work Experience: You must have at least 2 years of relevant work experience.
  4. Language: You must have a good command of English (or one of the other official languages of New Zealand).
  5. Points: You must score at least 160 points out of 180 in the points-based system.

Points-Based System:

The points-based system assesses your skills, qualifications, and experience against a set of criteria. You'll be awarded points for:

  1. Qualifications: 60 points (max)
  2. Work Experience: 30 points (max)
  3. Language: 30 points (max)
  4. Age: 15 points (max)
  5. Job Offer: 15 points (max)
  6. Other Factors: 10 points (max)

Application Process:

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI): Submit an EOI online, which will be assessed against the points-based system.
  2. Invitation to Apply: If your EOI is selected, you'll receive an invitation to apply for a visa.
  3. Visa Application: Submit your visa application, including all required documents and fees.
  4. Medical and Police Checks: You may need to undergo medical and police checks as part of the application process.


  1. Expression of Interest (EOI): NZD $530 (approximately USD $350)
  2. Visa Application: NZD $1,350 (approximately USD $900)
  3. Medical and Police Checks: Varying fees (approximately NZD $500-1,000)

Processing Time:

The processing time for skilled immigration applications can vary, but it typically takes around 6-12 months.

Additional Resources:

Remember to carefully review the eligibility criteria and application process before submitting your application. It's also recommended to consult with a licensed immigration adviser or a qualified professional to ensure your application is complete and accurate.