New zealand pr for indian

New Zealand is a popular destination for Indian immigrants, and the country has a points-based system for skilled migration. Here are the general requirements and steps to apply for a New Zealand PR (Permanent Residency) as an Indian:

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Age: You must be under 56 years old.
  2. Education: You must have a bachelor's degree or higher from a recognized institution.
  3. Work Experience: You must have at least 2 years of work experience in a skilled occupation.
  4. Language: You must have a good command of English, as it is the primary language spoken in New Zealand.
  5. Points: You must score at least 160 points in the points-based system, which assesses your skills, qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, and other factors.

Points-Based System:

The points-based system is used to assess your eligibility for a New Zealand PR. You can score points in the following categories:

  1. Age: 16-30 points
  2. Qualifications: 20-30 points
  3. Work Experience: 20-30 points
  4. Language: 20-30 points
  5. Job Offer: 10-20 points
  6. Community Language: 5-10 points
  7. Partner's Qualifications: 5-10 points
  8. Partner's Work Experience: 5-10 points

Application Process:

  1. Check your eligibility: Use the New Zealand Government's online tool to check your eligibility for a PR visa.
  2. Submit an expression of interest (EOI): If you are eligible, submit an EOI through the New Zealand Government's online portal, Immigration New Zealand.
  3. Receive an invitation to apply: If your EOI is selected, you will receive an invitation to apply for a PR visa.
  4. Submit your application: You will need to submit a comprehensive application, including supporting documents, such as your passport, qualifications, work experience, and language proficiency test results.
  5. Wait for the outcome: The processing time for a PR application can take several months. You will be notified of the outcome, and if successful, you will be granted a PR visa.

Additional Requirements:

  1. Health and Character Requirements: You must meet the health and character requirements, which include undergoing a medical examination and providing police certificates from your home country and any countries where you have lived for the past 5 years.
  2. Language Proficiency: You must demonstrate a good command of English, as it is the primary language spoken in New Zealand. You can take a language proficiency test, such as IELTS or TOEFL.
  3. Job Offer: If you have a job offer in New Zealand, you may be eligible for a PR visa under the Skilled Migrant Category.


The application fee for a New Zealand PR visa is NZD $530 (approximately INR 25,000). There may be additional fees for things like language proficiency tests and police certificates.


Applying for a New Zealand PR visa as an Indian requires careful planning and preparation. Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria, score enough points in the points-based system, and submit a comprehensive application. Additionally, ensure you meet the health and character requirements, language proficiency requirements, and any other additional requirements.