New zealand passport photo checker

A very specific request!

The New Zealand government has a passport photo checker tool on their website, which you can use to ensure your photo meets the requirements for a New Zealand passport. Here's how to use it:

  1. Go to the New Zealand Government's website:
  2. Click on "Apply for a passport" and then "Check your photo" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Upload your photo or take a new one using the tool's guidelines.
  4. The tool will check your photo against the requirements and provide feedback on any issues.

The requirements for a New Zealand passport photo are:

The passport photo checker tool will check your photo for the following:

If your photo meets all the requirements, the tool will provide a confirmation message. If there are any issues, the tool will highlight the problems and provide guidance on how to fix them.

Remember to check your photo carefully before submitting it with your passport application to avoid any delays or rejections.