New zealand medical school

New Zealand has a well-regarded medical education system, with several medical schools offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Here are some of the medical schools in New Zealand:

  1. University of Auckland Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences: The University of Auckland's Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences is one of the largest and most prestigious medical schools in New Zealand. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in medicine, including a six-year Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) program.
  2. University of Otago School of Medicine: The University of Otago's School of Medicine is another well-established medical school in New Zealand. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in medicine, including a six-year MBChB program.
  3. University of Canterbury School of Medicine: The University of Canterbury's School of Medicine is a relatively new medical school, established in 2005. It offers a six-year MBChB program and has a strong focus on research and clinical training.
  4. University of Waikato School of Medicine: The University of Waikato's School of Medicine is a small medical school that offers a six-year MBChB program. It has a strong focus on rural and community-based medicine.
  5. Lincoln University School of Medicine: Lincoln University's School of Medicine is a private medical school that offers a six-year MBChB program. It has a strong focus on rural and community-based medicine.

Admission requirements for medical schools in New Zealand typically include:

Tuition fees for medical schools in New Zealand vary depending on the institution and program. However, international students typically pay higher tuition fees than domestic students. Here are some approximate tuition fees for medical schools in New Zealand:

It's worth noting that these tuition fees are subject to change, and students should check with the medical school directly for the most up-to-date information.