New zealand major religion

According to the 2018 New Zealand Census, the major religions in New Zealand are:

  1. Christianity: 48.5% of the population identify as Christian, with the largest denominations being:
    • Catholicism: 12.6%
    • Anglicanism: 9.2%
    • Presbyterianism: 6.7%
    • Baptism: 4.4%
    • Methodism: 3.4%
  2. No religion: 37.3% of the population identify as having no religion.
  3. Hinduism: 2.2% of the population identify as Hindu.
  4. Islam: 1.3% of the population identify as Muslim.
  5. Buddhism: 1.2% of the population identify as Buddhist.
  6. Judaism: 0.4% of the population identify as Jewish.
  7. Sikhism: 0.3% of the population identify as Sikh.
  8. Other religions: 1.4% of the population identify with other religions, including Baha'i, Jainism, and Shintoism.

It's worth noting that New Zealand has a relatively high level of religious diversity, with many people identifying with multiple religions or having no religion at all. Additionally, the country has a strong tradition of secularism and a separation of church and state.