New zealand league football

New Zealand has a rich history of league football, with the sport being introduced to the country in the early 20th century. Here are some key facts and information about league football in New Zealand:

Competition Structure:

The top-level league in New Zealand is the National League, which is divided into two divisions: the Mitre 10 Cup (formerly known as the Bartercard Cup) and the Championship. The Mitre 10 Cup is the premier competition, featuring 10 teams from around the country, while the Championship is a development league with 12 teams.


Some of the most successful teams in New Zealand league football include:

International Competitions:

New Zealand has a strong presence in international league football competitions, including:

Notable Players:

Some of the most notable players to have played league football in New Zealand include:

Current State:

League football in New Zealand is currently facing some challenges, including declining attendance figures and a lack of investment in the sport. However, there are still many passionate fans and dedicated clubs around the country, and efforts are being made to grow the sport and increase its popularity.