New zealand last names

New Zealand has a unique and diverse range of surnames, reflecting the country's history and cultural heritage. Here are some common New Zealand surnames:

Maori Surnames

  1. Taitoko
  2. Ruru
  3. Ngata
  4. Tamati
  5. Kahu
  6. Wharewaka
  7. Hori
  8. Tukaki
  9. Pita
  10. Ranginui

British and European Surnames

  1. Smith
  2. Williams
  3. Brown
  4. Jones
  5. Taylor
  6. Wilson
  7. Davis
  8. Thomas
  9. Johnson
  10. Robinson

Irish and Scottish Surnames

  1. O'Connor
  2. O'Brien
  3. Murphy
  4. Kelly
  5. Ryan
  6. McCarthy
  7. Campbell
  8. MacDonald
  9. Stewart
  10. Douglas

Other Surnames

  1. Patel (Indian)
  2. Lee (Chinese)
  3. Wong (Chinese)
  4. Chen (Chinese)
  5. Singh (Indian)
  6. Khan (Pakistani)
  7. Ali (Middle Eastern)
  8. Leung (Chinese)
  9. Fong (Chinese)
  10. Garcia (Spanish)

Unique New Zealand Surnames

  1. Aroha (love)
  2. Kauri (a type of native tree)
  3. Manawatu (a region in the North Island)
  4. Ngai (a Maori word meaning "tribe")
  5. Pounamu (a type of greenstone)
  6. Ruru (a type of native bird)
  7. Tane (a Maori word meaning "male")
  8. Whanganui (a region in the North Island)
  9. Whare (a Maori word meaning "house")
  10. Witi (a Maori word meaning "cloud")

These are just a few examples of the many surnames found in New Zealand. The country's diverse cultural heritage has contributed to a rich and varied range of surnames.