New zealand labour party

The New Zealand Labour Party is a centre-left political party in New Zealand. It is one of the two major parties in the country, along with the National Party. The party was founded in 1916 and has been a major force in New Zealand politics ever since.

Here are some key facts about the New Zealand Labour Party:

History: The party was founded in 1916 by a group of trade unionists and socialists who were dissatisfied with the country's economic and social conditions. The party's early leaders included Michael Joseph Savage, who became the country's first Labour Prime Minister in 1935.

Principles: The party's core principles include:

Leaders: Some notable leaders of the New Zealand Labour Party include:

Recent history: The party has been in government for several periods since the 1980s, including:

Current status: The New Zealand Labour Party is currently the governing party of New Zealand, with Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister. The party has a majority government, with 64 seats in the 120-seat Parliament.