New zealand hires former trump campaign director to lobby for business visas

That's an interesting development! According to recent reports, New Zealand's government has hired Brad Parscale, the former campaign director for Donald Trump's 2020 presidential campaign, to lobby for changes to the country's business visa program.

Parscale, who was also the digital director for Trump's 2016 campaign, has been hired by the New Zealand government to help reform the country's business visa program, which is aimed at attracting more foreign entrepreneurs and investors to the country.

As part of his role, Parscale will be working closely with the New Zealand government to identify areas where the visa program can be improved to make it more attractive to international business leaders and entrepreneurs. This includes streamlining the application process, reducing bureaucracy, and providing more incentives for foreign investors to set up shop in New Zealand.

Parscale's hiring has raised some eyebrows, given his controversial past and his association with the Trump administration. However, the New Zealand government has defended the decision, citing Parscale's expertise in digital marketing and his experience in working with international businesses.

What do you think about this development? Do you think Parscale's hiring will have a positive impact on New Zealand's business visa program, or do you have concerns about his involvement?