New zealand health care ranking

New Zealand's healthcare system is considered to be one of the best in the world. Here are some rankings and statistics that demonstrate its high quality:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO) Ranking: New Zealand's healthcare system ranks 14th out of 191 countries in the WHO's 2019 Global Healthcare Access and Quality Index.
  2. OECD Ranking: New Zealand's healthcare system ranks 5th out of 37 OECD countries in the 2020 OECD Health at a Glance report, which assesses healthcare systems based on factors such as life expectancy, infant mortality, and healthcare spending.
  3. Global Healthcare Index: New Zealand ranks 2nd out of 100 countries in the 2020 Global Healthcare Index, which evaluates healthcare systems based on factors such as healthcare access, quality, and outcomes.
  4. Life Expectancy: New Zealand has a high life expectancy, with an average life expectancy of 81.6 years (2020 data).
  5. Infant Mortality Rate: New Zealand has a low infant mortality rate, with 3.6 deaths per 1,000 live births (2020 data).
  6. Healthcare Spending: New Zealand spends around 9.4% of its GDP on healthcare, which is slightly above the OECD average (2020 data).
  7. Doctor-to-Population Ratio: New Zealand has a high doctor-to-population ratio, with approximately 3.5 doctors per 1,000 people (2020 data).
  8. Hospital Beds per 1,000 People: New Zealand has a relatively high number of hospital beds per 1,000 people, with around 2.5 beds per 1,000 people (2020 data).
  9. Patient Satisfaction: New Zealand's healthcare system has high patient satisfaction rates, with around 85% of patients reporting that they are satisfied with their care (2020 data).
  10. Healthcare Outcomes: New Zealand has good healthcare outcomes, with low rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Overall, New Zealand's healthcare system is considered to be of high quality, with good access to healthcare services, high patient satisfaction rates, and good healthcare outcomes.