New zealand currency to aud

The New Zealand currency is the New Zealand dollar (NZD). Here's a rough estimate of the exchange rate between NZD and Australian dollar (AUD):

Current Exchange Rate (as of [date]):

1 NZD = approximately 0.93 AUD

Historical Exchange Rate (average over the past year):

1 NZD = approximately 0.92 AUD

Note: Exchange rates can fluctuate constantly, so this information is only a rough estimate. For the most up-to-date and accurate exchange rates, I recommend checking a reliable currency conversion website or service, such as,, or your bank's website.

To give you a better idea, here are some common conversions:

Keep in mind that exchange rates can vary depending on the specific conversion method, fees, and other factors. If you're planning to travel or conduct business between New Zealand and Australia, it's a good idea to check the current exchange rate and consider any potential fees or conversion charges.