New zealand company register

The New Zealand Company Register is a database maintained by the New Zealand Companies Office, which is responsible for registering and regulating businesses in New Zealand. The register contains information about companies, including:

  1. Company name and registration number
  2. Company type (e.g. limited liability company, charitable trust, etc.)
  3. Registered office address
  4. Principal place of business
  5. Directors and shareholders
  6. Company status (e.g. active, dissolved, etc.)
  7. Financial statements and annual returns

You can search the New Zealand Company Register online for free, and access a range of information about companies, including:

  1. Company details: You can search for a company by name, registration number, or other criteria, and access its registration details.
  2. Director and shareholder information: You can search for a company and access the names and addresses of its directors and shareholders.
  3. Financial statements: You can access a company's financial statements, including its balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.
  4. Annual returns: You can access a company's annual returns, which provide information about its financial performance and other key metrics.
  5. Compliance history: You can access information about a company's compliance history, including any penalties or fines it has been issued.

You can also use the New Zealand Company Register to:

  1. Check if a company is registered: You can search the register to confirm whether a company is registered and active.
  2. Verify a company's details: You can use the register to verify a company's details, such as its name, address, and directors.
  3. Research a company's history: You can access a company's historical information, including its registration date, previous names, and changes to its directors and shareholders.
  4. Identify potential business partners: You can use the register to research potential business partners and verify their credibility.

The New Zealand Company Register is an important resource for businesses, investors, and individuals who want to research and verify company information.