New zealand citizenship by investment

New Zealand does not have a citizenship by investment program. However, it does offer a range of residency and visa options for individuals who wish to live and work in New Zealand. Here are some of the options:

  1. Skilled Migrant Category: This category is for individuals who have skills and qualifications that are in demand in New Zealand. Applicants must have a job offer or be able to demonstrate that they have the skills and experience to work in their chosen profession.
  2. Family Category: This category is for individuals who have a family member who is a New Zealand citizen or resident. Applicants must be able to demonstrate a genuine relationship with their family member and meet certain eligibility criteria.
  3. Residence from Work Category: This category is for individuals who have worked in New Zealand for at least two years and have been granted a work visa. Applicants must have a job offer or be able to demonstrate that they have the skills and experience to work in their chosen profession.
  4. Investor Category: This category is for individuals who have invested in New Zealand and wish to live in the country. Applicants must have invested at least NZD $1.5 million in a New Zealand business or have a net worth of at least NZD $10 million.
  5. Entrepreneur Category: This category is for individuals who wish to start a business in New Zealand. Applicants must have a business plan and be able to demonstrate that they have the skills and experience to run a successful business.

It's worth noting that New Zealand has a points-based system for residency and citizenship, which means that applicants are assessed on their skills, qualifications, work experience, and other factors. The points system is designed to ensure that new residents and citizens are able to contribute to the country's economy and society.

In terms of citizenship, New Zealand has a relatively straightforward process for obtaining citizenship. To be eligible for citizenship, applicants must:

It's worth noting that New Zealand citizenship is not the same as New Zealand residency. While residency is granted for a specific period of time, citizenship is a lifelong status that confers certain rights and privileges.