New york to texas how many hours
The driving distance from New York to Texas is approximately 1,750 miles (2,816 kilometers). The driving time can vary depending on the specific route you take, traffic conditions, and the number of stops you make along the way.
Here are some estimated driving times and routes from New York to Texas:
- New York City to Dallas, TX: 1,770 miles (2,850 km), 24-26 hours with normal traffic conditions
- New York City to Houston, TX: 1,830 miles (2,940 km), 25-28 hours with normal traffic conditions
- New York City to San Antonio, TX: 1,860 miles (2,996 km), 26-30 hours with normal traffic conditions
Keep in mind that these estimates assume you'll be driving non-stop, which is not recommended. It's always a good idea to take breaks every few hours to rest, stretch your legs, and refuel.
Additionally, you should also consider the time zone difference between New York (Eastern Standard Time) and Texas (Central Standard Time). Texas is one hour behind New York, so you'll lose one hour when you cross into Texas.
It's also worth noting that there are several routes you can take from New York to Texas, including:
- I-10 W: This route takes you through the southern states, including Louisiana and Mississippi.
- I-20 W: This route takes you through the southern states, including Tennessee and Arkansas.
- I-30 W: This route takes you through the southern states, including Tennessee and Oklahoma.
Choose the route that best fits your needs and preferences, and don't forget to check for any road closures or construction along the way.