New york to los angeles road trip

A classic American road trip! New York to Los Angeles is a long haul, but with some planning, you can make it a memorable and enjoyable adventure. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you plan your trip:

Distance and Time:

Route Options:

  1. I-80 W: This is the most direct route, taking you through the Midwest and the Rocky Mountains. It's a good option if you want to avoid major cities and focus on scenic drives.
  2. I-76 W and I-70 W: This route takes you through the Appalachian Mountains and the Midwest, before joining I-70 W, which takes you through the Rocky Mountains. It's a good option if you want to see some of the country's most beautiful national parks.
  3. US-30 W: This route takes you through the Midwest and the Rocky Mountains, but it's a bit longer than the other two options. It's a good option if you want to see some of the country's most charming small towns.

Must-See Stops:

  1. Chicago, Illinois: Stop by the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) and take in the views of the city from the Skydeck on the 103rd floor.
  2. Mount Rushmore, South Dakota: See the iconic presidential faces carved into the side of a mountain.
  3. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming: Take a detour to explore America's first national park, known for its geothermal wonders like Old Faithful.
  4. Grand Canyon, Arizona: One of the most iconic natural wonders in the United States, the Grand Canyon is a must-see.
  5. Las Vegas, Nevada: Stop by the famous Strip and try your luck at one of the many casinos.
  6. Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah: Take a guided tour of this iconic valley, which has been featured in countless movies and TV shows.
  7. Santa Monica Pier, California: End your journey at the famous pier in Santa Monica, where you can take a stroll along the beach and enjoy the views of the Pacific Ocean.

Tips and Essentials:

  1. Plan your accommodations: Book your hotels and motels in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.
  2. Pack snacks and water: You'll be driving for long stretches, so make sure you have plenty of snacks and water to keep you fueled.
  3. Take breaks: Stop every few hours to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and rest your eyes.
  4. Check the weather: Be prepared for changing weather conditions, especially in the mountains.
  5. Bring a map or GPS: Make sure you have a reliable navigation system to help you find your way.
  6. Enjoy the scenery: Take your time and enjoy the stunning views of the American landscape.

Budget Breakdown:

  1. Gas: Expect to spend around $500-$700 on gas, depending on the route you take and your vehicle's fuel efficiency.
  2. Accommodations: Budget around $100-$200 per night for hotels and motels.
  3. Food and snacks: Plan to spend around $20-$50 per day on food and snacks.
  4. Attractions: Budget around $20-$50 per person for attractions and activities.


A New York to Los Angeles road trip is an epic adventure that requires some planning and preparation. With this guide, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the long haul and enjoy the stunning scenery and attractions along the way. Happy road tripping!