New york to indianapolis bus

There are several bus companies that operate from New York to Indianapolis. Here are some of the options:

  1. Greyhound: Greyhound offers multiple daily departures from New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal to Indianapolis's Greyhound Station. The journey takes around 10-11 hours, depending on traffic and the route. Fares start at around $50.
  2. Megabus: Megabus is another popular option, with multiple daily departures from New York's Penn Station to Indianapolis's Megabus Stop. The journey takes around 10-11 hours, depending on traffic and the route. Fares start at around $1.
  3. Peter Pan Bus Lines: Peter Pan Bus Lines operates from New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal to Indianapolis's Greyhound Station. The journey takes around 10-11 hours, depending on traffic and the route. Fares start at around $50.
  4. Burlington Trailways: Burlington Trailways operates from New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal to Indianapolis's Greyhound Station. The journey takes around 10-11 hours, depending on traffic and the route. Fares start at around $50.
  5. Indian Trails: Indian Trails operates from New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal to Indianapolis's Greyhound Station. The journey takes around 10-11 hours, depending on traffic and the route. Fares start at around $50.

It's worth noting that bus schedules and fares are subject to change, so it's always a good idea to check with the bus company directly for the most up-to-date information.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when taking the bus from New York to Indianapolis: