New york to california distance
The distance from New York to California depends on the specific locations within each state. Here are the approximate distances between some major cities in New York and California:
- New York City, NY to Los Angeles, CA: 2,796 miles (4,498 km)
- New York City, NY to San Francisco, CA: 2,796 miles (4,498 km)
- Buffalo, NY to Los Angeles, CA: 2,434 miles (3,916 km)
- Albany, NY to Los Angeles, CA: 2,544 miles (4,094 km)
- New York City, NY to San Diego, CA: 2,844 miles (4,571 km)
These distances are approximate and were calculated using a direct route, which is typically along the Interstate Highway System. However, actual driving distances may vary depending on the specific route taken and any detours or stops along the way.
It's also worth noting that there are several different ways to measure distance, including:
- As the crow flies: This is the shortest distance between two points, which is typically measured in a straight line. For example, the distance from New York City to Los Angeles as the crow flies is approximately 2,469 miles (3,973 km).
- By road: This is the distance between two points measured along the roads and highways that connect them. For example, the distance from New York City to Los Angeles by road is approximately 2,796 miles (4,498 km).
- By air: This is the distance between two points measured in the air, which is typically shorter than the distance by road. For example, the distance from New York City to Los Angeles by air is approximately 2,469 miles (3,973 km).