New york to afghanistan flight time

There are no direct commercial flights from New York to Afghanistan. However, I can provide you with some information on flight routes and estimated travel times:

  1. New York (JFK) to Kabul (KBL) with one stop:
    • Flight duration: Approximately 18-20 hours with a layover.
    • Airlines: Turkish Airlines, Emirates, Qatar Airways, and Lufthansa offer flights from New York to Kabul with a layover in Istanbul, Dubai, Doha, or Frankfurt.
  2. New York (JFK) to Kandahar (KDH) with one stop:
    • Flight duration: Approximately 20-22 hours with a layover.
    • Airlines: Turkish Airlines, Emirates, and Qatar Airways offer flights from New York to Kandahar with a layover in Istanbul, Dubai, or Doha.
  3. New York (JFK) to Herat (HEA) with one stop:
    • Flight duration: Approximately 21-23 hours with a layover.
    • Airlines: Turkish Airlines, Emirates, and Qatar Airways offer flights from New York to Herat with a layover in Istanbul, Dubai, or Doha.

Please note that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on the airline, route, and layover duration. Additionally, flight schedules and availability may change frequently, so it's essential to check with airlines for the most up-to-date information and to book your flights in advance.

It's also important to consider the following:

Before planning your trip, I recommend consulting with a travel agent or a reputable tour operator who has experience with travel to Afghanistan. They can help you navigate the complexities of travel to this region and ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.