New york times wordpress theme

The New York Times (NYT) has a custom WordPress theme that is used to power their website. The theme is designed to provide a clean and modern design, while also incorporating many of the features and functionalities that are unique to the NYT website.

Here are some of the key features of the NYT WordPress theme:

  1. Custom design: The NYT theme has a custom design that is tailored to the specific needs of the NYT website. The theme is designed to provide a clean and modern look, while also incorporating many of the features and functionalities that are unique to the NYT website.
  2. Responsive design: The NYT theme is designed to be responsive, which means that it will adapt to the size and type of device that it is being viewed on. This ensures that the website looks and functions well on a variety of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
  3. Custom widgets: The NYT theme includes a number of custom widgets that are designed to provide additional functionality and features to the website. These widgets can be used to display a variety of content, including news articles, videos, and images.
  4. Custom post types: The NYT theme includes a number of custom post types that are designed to provide additional functionality and features to the website. These post types can be used to create a variety of different types of content, including news articles, blog posts, and videos.
  5. Custom taxonomies: The NYT theme includes a number of custom taxonomies that are designed to provide additional functionality and features to the website. These taxonomies can be used to categorize and tag content, making it easier for users to find and access the information that they are looking for.
  6. Custom menus: The NYT theme includes a number of custom menus that are designed to provide additional functionality and features to the website. These menus can be used to create a variety of different types of navigation, including horizontal and vertical menus.
  7. Custom page templates: The NYT theme includes a number of custom page templates that are designed to provide additional functionality and features to the website. These templates can be used to create a variety of different types of pages, including homepages, about pages, and contact pages.
  8. Custom shortcodes: The NYT theme includes a number of custom shortcodes that are designed to provide additional functionality and features to the website. These shortcodes can be used to create a variety of different types of content, including news articles, blog posts, and videos.

Overall, the NYT WordPress theme is a highly customizable and feature-rich theme that is designed to provide a clean and modern design, while also incorporating many of the features and functionalities that are unique to the NYT website.