New york times usa

The New York Times (NYT) is a renowned American newspaper based in New York City. Here are some of the latest news articles and features from the NYT's USA section:

Top Stories

  1. Biden to Propose Major Overhaul of U.S. Tax Code: The president is expected to unveil a plan to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals to fund social programs and reduce the national debt. (Source: NYT)
  2. FBI Raids Home of Trump's Former Lawyer, Michael Cohen: The raid is part of an investigation into Cohen's business dealings and potential campaign finance violations. (Source: NYT)
  3. California Wildfires Force Thousands to Flee as Death Toll Rises: The devastating fires have burned over 1,000 square miles, with at least 31 people killed and many more missing. (Source: NYT)

National News

  1. House Democrats Pass Bill to Expand Voting Rights: The legislation aims to address voter suppression and increase access to the ballot box. (Source: NYT)
  2. U.S. Economy Grows at 2.1% Rate in Second Quarter: The GDP growth rate is slower than expected, but still indicates a steady expansion. (Source: NYT)
  3. Trump Administration to End Program Protecting Young Immigrants: The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program will be phased out, affecting hundreds of thousands of young immigrants. (Source: NYT)


  1. Biden's Climate Plan Aims to Cut U.S. Emissions in Half: The plan includes a goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and investing in clean energy infrastructure. (Source: NYT)
  2. House Republicans Introduce Bill to Overturn Roe v. Wade: The legislation would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and allow states to restrict access to the procedure. (Source: NYT)
  3. Trump's Impeachment Trial to Begin in Senate: The trial is expected to focus on whether Trump abused his power by pressuring Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. (Source: NYT)


  1. The Case for a Wealth Tax: An op-ed argues that a wealth tax could help reduce income inequality and fund social programs. (Source: NYT)
  2. The Trump Administration's War on Science: An op-ed criticizes the administration's efforts to undermine scientific research and expertise. (Source: NYT)
  3. The Future of the Democratic Party: An op-ed discusses the challenges facing the party and potential paths forward. (Source: NYT)

These are just a few examples of the latest news and features from the New York Times' USA section. You can visit the NYT website for more in-depth coverage and analysis of national and international news.