New york times poetry submissions

The New York Times Poetry Submissions!

The New York Times is one of the most prestigious and widely read publications in the world, and its poetry section is a coveted platform for poets to share their work with a global audience. Here's what you need to know about submitting your poetry to The New York Times:

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Poetry Submissions: The New York Times accepts poetry submissions through their online portal, Poetry Submissions.
  2. Submission Period: The submission period is open year-round, but please note that the publication is busiest during the spring and fall seasons.
  3. Poem Length: The New York Times typically publishes poems that are 12-20 lines long, but they also consider longer poems.
  4. Poem Style: The publication accepts a wide range of poetry styles, including free verse, sonnets, and traditional forms.
  5. Language: The New York Times publishes poetry in English, but they also consider translations from other languages.

Submission Requirements:

  1. Poem: Submit a single poem, along with a brief bio (150 words or less) and a headshot.
  2. Format: Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) and formatting (e.g., double-spaced, 12-point font).
  3. Title: Include a title for your poem, but do not include your name or any identifying information.
  4. Email: Submit your poem and bio as an attachment to [email protected].

Tips and Considerations:

  1. Read the Publication: Familiarize yourself with The New York Times' poetry section and the types of poems they typically publish.
  2. Edit and Revise: Make sure your poem is well-edited and polished before submitting.
  3. Be Patient: The New York Times receives a high volume of submissions, so be prepared to wait several weeks or even months for a response.
  4. Multiple Submissions: You can submit multiple poems, but please wait at least 6 months before resubmitting.

Additional Resources:

  1. The New York Times Poetry Editor: Meet the editor, Tracy K. Smith, and learn more about the publication's poetry section on their website.
  2. Poetry Submissions Tips: Get additional guidance on submitting poetry to The New York Times and other publications from the Academy of American Poets.

Remember, submitting your poetry to The New York Times is a competitive process, but it's also an incredible opportunity to share your work with a global audience. Good luck!