New york times nigeria

Here are some recent articles from The New York Times about Nigeria:

  1. "Nigeria's President, Muhammadu Buhari, Is Hospitalized in London" (August 2021) - President Buhari, 79, was admitted to a London hospital for an undisclosed medical condition, sparking concerns about his health and the stability of the country.
  2. "Nigeria's Economy Is in Crisis, and the Future Looks Bleak" (June 2021) - The article highlights the economic challenges facing Nigeria, including a decline in oil prices, corruption, and a lack of investment in key sectors like agriculture and manufacturing.
  3. "Nigeria's #EndSARS Protests Reflect a Broader Crisis of Youth Unemployment and Hopelessness" (October 2020) - The article explores the underlying causes of the #EndSARS protests, which began as a movement against police brutality but evolved into a broader call for systemic change and economic opportunities.
  4. "Nigeria's Election Is a Test of Democracy, and the Country's Future" (February 2023) - The article previews the upcoming presidential election in Nigeria, which is seen as a crucial test of the country's democratic institutions and the ability of its leaders to address pressing issues like poverty, corruption, and insecurity.
  5. "Nigeria's Herdsmen Crisis: A Deadly Conflict Over Land and Resources" (January 2022) - The article examines the ongoing conflict between Nigerian herdsmen and farmers, which has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people and displaced thousands more.
  6. "Nigeria's Boko Haram Insurgency: A Decade of Devastation and Displacement" (April 2021) - The article marks the 10th anniversary of the Boko Haram insurgency, which has killed tens of thousands of people, displaced millions, and caused widespread destruction in northeastern Nigeria.
  7. "Nigeria's Oil Industry Is in Crisis, and the Country's Future Is at Stake" (March 2022) - The article explores the challenges facing Nigeria's oil industry, including declining production, corruption, and environmental concerns, and their implications for the country's economy and development.

These articles provide a glimpse into some of the key issues and challenges facing Nigeria, from economic and political crises to social and environmental concerns.