New york times modern love column

The Modern Love column in The New York Times! It's a beloved and iconic feature that has been a staple of the newspaper since 2004. The column, which is edited by Jessica Grose, features essays and stories about love, relationships, and family from a wide range of perspectives.

Here are some interesting facts about the Modern Love column:

  1. The column was founded by Daniel Jones: Jones, a writer and editor, created the column in 2004 as a way to explore the complexities and nuances of modern relationships.
  2. It's a popular feature: Modern Love is one of the most popular columns in The New York Times, with millions of readers worldwide.
  3. It's a platform for diverse voices: The column features essays from people of all ages, backgrounds, and identities, including LGBTQ+ individuals, people of color, and those from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
  4. It covers a wide range of topics: Modern Love essays have tackled topics such as online dating, marriage, parenthood, infidelity, grief, and more.
  5. It's been adapted into a podcast: In 2019, The New York Times launched a podcast version of Modern Love, featuring audio versions of the essays and interviews with the authors.
  6. It's inspired a book: In 2019, The New York Times published a book called "Modern Love: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Redemption," which features a selection of essays from the column.
  7. It's a launching pad for writers: Many writers have gotten their start by publishing in Modern Love, including bestselling authors like Cheryl Strayed and Jennifer Finney Boylan.
  8. It's a reflection of our times: The column has been praised for its ability to capture the complexities and challenges of modern relationships, including the impact of technology, social media, and changing societal norms.

Some notable essays from the Modern Love column include:

Overall, the Modern Love column is a beloved and iconic feature of The New York Times that has become a platform for people to share their stories and experiences about love, relationships, and family.