New york times international edition

The New York Times International Edition is a global edition of the New York Times newspaper that is published in many countries around the world. It is designed to provide international news and coverage to readers outside of the United States.

Here are some key features of the New York Times International Edition:

  1. Global coverage: The International Edition provides in-depth coverage of international news, including politics, business, finance, and culture.
  2. Global perspective: The edition is designed to provide a global perspective on news and events, with a focus on the impact of international events on readers around the world.
  3. International reporting: The International Edition features reporting from correspondents and bureaus around the world, providing readers with a unique perspective on international news.
  4. Global analysis: The edition includes analysis and commentary from experts and thought leaders on global issues and trends.
  5. International business coverage: The International Edition provides comprehensive coverage of international business news, including finance, trade, and economics.
  6. Global culture coverage: The edition includes coverage of international culture, including arts, entertainment, and lifestyle.
  7. International opinion: The International Edition features opinion pieces and editorials from around the world, providing readers with a diverse range of perspectives on global issues.

The New York Times International Edition is available in print and digital formats, and can be subscribed to separately or as part of a larger subscription package.

Some of the countries where the New York Times International Edition is available include:

The International Edition is available in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Overall, the New York Times International Edition provides readers around the world with a unique perspective on global news and events, and is an essential resource for anyone interested in staying informed about international affairs.