New york times brand guidelines

The New York Times (NYT) has a set of brand guidelines that outline the visual identity, tone, and language to be used when representing the brand. Here are some key elements of the NYT brand guidelines:

Visual Identity:

  1. Logo: The NYT logo is a custom-designed wordmark that features the words "The New York Times" in a distinctive font. The logo is typically used in its full form, but it can also be used in a stacked or horizontal format.
  2. Color Palette: The NYT color palette consists of a range of blues, from a deep navy blue (#032B44) to a lighter sky blue (#87CEEB). The primary color is the deep navy blue, which is used for the logo and other branding elements.
  3. Typography: The NYT uses a custom-designed font called "Times New Roman" for its print and digital products. The font is a serif font with a classic, elegant feel.
  4. Imagery: The NYT uses high-quality, professional photography and illustrations to accompany its articles and features. The imagery is often formal and serious, reflecting the tone of the publication.

Tone and Language:

  1. Tone: The NYT is known for its serious, objective, and informative tone. The language used in the publication is formal and professional, with a focus on accuracy and clarity.
  2. Language: The NYT uses a formal, objective language that is free of jargon and sensationalism. The language is concise and easy to understand, making it accessible to a wide range of readers.

Digital Presence:

  1. Website: The NYT website ( features a clean, simple design that is easy to navigate. The site is organized into sections, with clear headings and concise summaries of each article.
  2. Social Media: The NYT has a strong presence on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The publication uses these platforms to share news updates, feature stories, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the newsroom.
  3. Mobile App: The NYT mobile app is designed to provide readers with a seamless and convenient way to access the publication's content on-the-go.

Print Presence:

  1. Newspaper: The NYT newspaper is published daily, Monday through Saturday, and features a range of sections, including news, opinion, sports, and arts.
  2. Magazine: The NYT Magazine is a weekly publication that features in-depth feature stories, profiles, and essays on a wide range of topics.
  3. Supplements: The NYT publishes a range of supplements, including the Sunday Review, the Business Day, and the Arts & Leisure section.


  1. Consistency is key to maintaining the NYT brand identity. The publication strives to maintain a consistent tone, language, and visual identity across all its platforms and products.
  2. The NYT has a set of guidelines for using the brand identity, including the logo, color palette, typography, and imagery. These guidelines are available to employees and partners who work with the publication.

Overall, the NYT brand guidelines are designed to ensure that the publication's visual identity, tone, and language are consistent across all its platforms and products. By following these guidelines, the NYT is able to maintain its reputation as a trusted and respected source of news and information.