New york times api

The New York Times API!

The New York Times API (Application Programming Interface) is a powerful tool that allows developers to access The New York Times' vast repository of news articles, images, and other content programmatically. Here's an overview:

What can you do with the New York Times API?

  1. Retrieve articles: Fetch articles by keyword, date, section, or author.
  2. Search: Search for articles, people, organizations, and more.
  3. Get article metadata: Retrieve article metadata, such as title, abstract, and publication date.
  4. Fetch images: Download images associated with articles.
  5. Access archives: Access articles from The New York Times' vast archives, dating back to 1851.

How to use the New York Times API

  1. Sign up for an API key: Register for a free API key on the New York Times Developer Network.
  2. Choose an API endpoint: Select the API endpoint that best fits your needs (e.g., articles, search, images).
  3. Construct your request: Use the API endpoint and parameters to construct your request.
  4. Send your request: Send your request to the API endpoint using your preferred programming language (e.g., Python, JavaScript, Java).
  5. Parse the response: Parse the response from the API, which will be in JSON format.

New York Times API endpoints

Here are some of the most popular API endpoints:

  1. /articles: Retrieve articles by keyword, date, section, or author.
  2. /search: Search for articles, people, organizations, and more.
  3. /images: Fetch images associated with articles.
  4. /archive: Access articles from The New York Times' archives.
  5. /people: Retrieve information about people mentioned in articles.

New York Times API limitations

  1. Free tier: The free tier allows 1,000 requests per day.
  2. Paid tier: The paid tier offers more requests per day and additional features.
  3. Rate limiting: The API may limit the number of requests you can make per minute or hour.

New York Times API documentation

The New York Times API documentation is extensive and provides detailed information on how to use the API, including:

  1. API endpoints: Detailed documentation on each API endpoint.
  2. Parameters: Information on the parameters you can use with each API endpoint.
  3. Response formats: Information on the formats in which the API returns data.
  4. Error handling: Guidance on how to handle errors and exceptions.


The New York Times API is a powerful tool that allows developers to access The New York Times' vast repository of news articles, images, and other content programmatically. With its extensive documentation and flexible API endpoints, it's a great resource for developers looking to build innovative applications and services.