New york sports club pool

The iconic New York Sports Club (NYSC) pool!

Here are some details about the pool at New York Sports Club:

Locations: NYSC has multiple locations throughout the New York City area, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island. Each location has its own pool, so you can check the specific pool hours and amenities at your nearest club.

Pool Hours: Pool hours vary by location, but generally, they are open during the following times:

Pool Amenities:

Pool Rules:

Membership: To use the pool at NYSC, you need to be a member of the club. Membership options vary, but you can choose from a variety of plans, including individual, couple, and family memberships.

Guest Policy: NYSC allows guests to use the pool, but you need to purchase a guest pass or join the club as a temporary member.

Remember to check with your local NYSC location for specific pool hours, amenities, and rules, as they may vary.