New york sports club

New York Sports Clubs (NYSC) is a popular fitness club chain with locations throughout the United States. Here are some key facts about NYSC:

History: NYSC was founded in 1979 by Robert Giobbi and has since grown to become one of the largest fitness club chains in the country.

Locations: NYSC has over 130 locations across the United States, with a strong presence in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and West Coast regions.

Amenities: NYSC clubs offer a range of amenities, including:

Membership options: NYSC offers various membership options, including:

Services: In addition to its fitness facilities and classes, NYSC offers a range of services, including:

Reviews: NYSC has generally positive reviews from members and critics alike. Many members praise the club's clean and well-maintained facilities, diverse class offerings, and friendly staff. Some members have reported issues with crowded facilities and high prices, but overall, NYSC is considered a reputable and effective fitness club chain.

Cost: The cost of a NYSC membership varies depending on the location, membership type, and promotions. On average, a month-to-month membership can cost around $50-$70 per month, while a 12-month contract can cost around $30-$50 per month.

Overall, New York Sports Clubs is a popular fitness club chain that offers a range of amenities and services to help members achieve their fitness goals.