New york records search

New York has a vast array of public records that can be searched online or in person. Here are some ways to search for records in New York:

Online Records Search

  1. New York State Department of State: The Department of State maintains a database of business and corporation records, including articles of incorporation, annual reports, and name searches.
  2. New York City Department of Records and Information Services: The NYC Department of Records and Information Services provides access to birth, death, and marriage records, as well as property records and other city documents.
  3. New York State Unified Court System: The Unified Court System provides online access to court records, including divorce, bankruptcy, and criminal records.
  4. New York State Department of Motor Vehicles: The DMV provides online access to vehicle registration records, driver's license records, and other motor vehicle-related information.

In-Person Records Search

  1. New York State Archives: The New York State Archives is located in Albany and provides access to historical records, including census records, military records, and other documents.
  2. New York City Municipal Archives: The NYC Municipal Archives is located in Manhattan and provides access to city records, including birth, death, and marriage records, as well as property records and other documents.
  3. County Clerk's Offices: Each county in New York has a Clerk's Office that maintains records, including property records, court records, and vital records.
  4. Local Libraries: Many local libraries in New York provide access to historical records, including newspapers, census records, and other documents.

Types of Records

  1. Vital Records: Birth, death, and marriage records are maintained by the New York State Department of Health and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
  2. Property Records: Property records, including deeds and mortgages, are maintained by the county Clerk's Office.
  3. Court Records: Court records, including divorce, bankruptcy, and criminal records, are maintained by the New York State Unified Court System.
  4. Business Records: Business records, including articles of incorporation and annual reports, are maintained by the New York State Department of State.
  5. Historical Records: Historical records, including census records, military records, and other documents, are maintained by the New York State Archives and other institutions.


Fees for records searches in New York vary depending on the type of record and the agency providing the record. Some records may be available for free, while others may require a fee. In some cases, fees may be waived for certain individuals, such as genealogists or researchers.


  1. Start with online searches: Many records are available online, and starting with an online search can save time and money.
  2. Contact the agency directly: If you're unable to find the record you're looking for online, contact the agency directly to ask about availability and fees.
  3. Be prepared to provide identification: In some cases, you may be required to provide identification to access certain records.
  4. Respect the records: Be respectful of the records and the individuals they relate to. Some records may be sensitive or confidential, and you should not attempt to access them without permission.