New york post trump

The New York Post and Donald Trump have a long and complex history. Here are some key points:

  1. Early days: The New York Post was founded in 1801 and has been a major newspaper in New York City for over two centuries. Trump, a real estate developer and businessman, was born in Queens, New York, in 1946.
  2. Trump's ownership: In 1976, Trump's father, Fred Trump, purchased the Post from Dorothy Schiff, a prominent New York City socialite and philanthropist. Donald Trump became involved in the paper's operations and was instrumental in its financial turnaround.
  3. Rupert Murdoch's acquisition: In 1993, Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp acquired the Post from Trump's company, Trump Publications, for $37 million. Trump remained involved with the paper as a consultant and occasional contributor.
  4. Editorial stance: During Trump's ownership, the Post was known for its conservative editorial stance, which aligned with Trump's political views. The paper was also known for its sensationalized headlines and investigative reporting.
  5. Trump's coverage: As a candidate and later as President, Trump was frequently featured on the Post's front page, often with positive coverage. The paper's editorial board endorsed Trump in the 2016 presidential election.
  6. Controversies: The Post has been involved in several controversies during Trump's presidency, including the publication of a front-page editorial in 2016 that called for Trump to release his tax returns, which Trump criticized as "fake news."
  7. Post's coverage of Trump's presidency: The Post has continued to cover Trump's presidency, often with a critical eye. The paper has published numerous investigative reports and editorials criticizing Trump's policies and actions.
  8. Trump's tweets about the Post: Trump has frequently criticized the Post on Twitter, calling it "failing" and "fake news." The paper has responded by pointing out errors in Trump's tweets and criticizing his attacks on the media.
  9. Post's circulation and revenue: Despite Trump's ownership and the paper's conservative editorial stance, the Post's circulation and revenue have declined in recent years. The paper has struggled to compete with online news sources and other media outlets.

Overall, the relationship between the New York Post and Donald Trump is complex and multifaceted. While Trump was involved with the paper during his ownership, the Post has continued to cover his presidency with a critical eye, and Trump has frequently criticized the paper on Twitter.