New york phone number format
In New York, phone numbers typically follow the format:
- The first three digits (XXX) are the area code
- The next three digits (XXX) are the exchange code
- The final four digits (XXXX) are the line number
For example:
(212) 555-1234
In this example:
- 212 is the area code for Manhattan
- 555 is the exchange code
- 1234 is the line number
New York has several area codes, including:
- 212: Manhattan
- 718: Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx
- 917: Cellular and mobile phones
- 845: Hudson Valley and surrounding areas
- 518: Capital District and surrounding areas
- 607: Southern Tier and surrounding areas
- 315: Central New York and surrounding areas
- 716: Western New York and surrounding areas
- 347: Cellular and mobile phones
- 631: Long Island
- 845: Hudson Valley and surrounding areas
Note that some area codes may be used in multiple regions, and some regions may have multiple area codes.